3rd December 2005 ;That day was the best day of life. I was going to meet the most inspiring Man of India,The president and the Missile man of India. I could see the happiness on my fathers face as well. More than the happiness of getting a "National Award", I was happy to be meeting him. I had rehearsed my lines over and over again and was waiting impatiently for the moment to arrive.
A small man in appearance he had the persona that not even the strongest men in world can have. when he went to the podium to welcome all of the Awardees,I smiled when I saw a guard placing a small stool in front of the podium for him to step on it and talk. I was mesmerized with every word he spoke.
The time came when Award distribution started. when my name was called.my heart started beating a thousand times. I made my way quickly up to him and shook his hand. a smile went all over his face when Meira Kumar,(the then Cabinet Minister in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and now the Lok Sabha speaker) told that she is just 16 years old. he smiled proudly and asked me my invention. he was patient enough to hear me speak and did not care if it was taking some more time.He then told me that India wants more youngsters like you. those words were truly inspiring and it was an honor to hear it from him.
I am lucky to have met and spoken to a man who has inspired everyone around him. I had tears in my eyes when I heard of his death, which is inevitable yet feels like we have lost an organ of the body. Its satisfying to know that he died doing what he did best, inspiring the students,the future of India.
There are a blessed few in this world who live their lives with humbleness despite of being big achievers. Today, as every soul in the country mourns this loss and prays for his soul; I just have one prayer to God. Please don't let Dr. Kalam be just some person that our kids read in their history text books. Please let his ideology be a way of our life. We may never be able to be at the same level as him, but bestow us with the wisdom that we at least try.
A country where dreams are imposed, there was a man that has led to us seeing our own dreams. He was an extraordinary person, an exceptional political person who was an inspiration for youth of India.
Thank you for being my Inspiration
Thank you for putting the Pride in the Presidency.
Read the Final Words by Abdul kalam by Srijan Pal Singh